
The treatments take place in a location specially designed for shiatsu treatments in Nieuwegein.

The adress is: Ansinghlaan 48 3431 GV Nieuwegein

The location is only 17 minutes by tram away from Utrecht Central Station. Starting at Utrecht CS, take the tram in the direction of IJsselstein or Nieuwegein-Zuid. The location is a two minute walk from the stop called ‘Wijkersloot’. If you are travelling by car, there is plenty of free parking space available.

For more information and making an appointment, you can phone or sent an e-mail.

Telephone number: 06-41 78 86 32

Please be aware that appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be invoiced.

Other info:
KvK nr: 32129476
Zhong membership: 0204820009896

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